About MSU Mock Trial

The Case

Our season starts with a case. Each year we are given a legal case that is complete with witness affidavits, police reports, evidence, and rules of evidence. Using these materials, teams create case theories for both the defense and the plaintiff. Teams choose with witnesses and evidence works for their theory and write direct examinations, cross examinations, and opening and closing statements. Then, our teams go on to compete against universities across the country in tournaments.

The Practices

The heart of MSU Mock Trial is our practices. During a normal season, our 4 teams convene at the MSU Law College on campus to work on the case—writing, editing, and performing our directs, crosses, and statements. At practices, we get to know and learn from each other. We generally practice Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. Because we meet so often, we form close friendships quickly and establish a strong community. Amid our hectic (and sometimes stressful) academic schedules, mock trial practice is a time for having fun with friends while doing a beloved activity.

The Tournaments

Throughout the season, our teams compete against universities such as Yale, University of Michigan, and Ohio State at tournaments where we test our case theories against ours and are we are judged by attorneys and judges. We start at invitationals, but later progress to Regionals and ORCS, where teams compete to advance to earn a spot on the national stage to compete against the best mock teams in the country at the annual National Championship Tournament.